UVa 188:Perfect Hash



类型: 哈希


Perfect Software, Inc. has obtained a government contract to examine text flowing through a high-speed network for the occurrence of certain words. Your boss, Wally Perfect, has designed a parallel processing system which checks each word against a group of small perfect hash tables.

A perfect hash function maps its input directly to a fully occupied table. Your job is to construct the perfect hash functions from the lists of words in each table. The hash function is of the form

, where C is a positive integer you are to discover, w is an integer representation of an input word, and n is the length of the table. C must be as small as possible. Note that

is the floor function and that for some real number R is the largest integer that is .

Here are Wally's notes on the subject:


consist of positive integers

. The problem is to find the smallest positive integer C such that

for all


C must be a multiple of at least one element of W.

If some

for all


then the next largest C that could resolve the conflict is at least

Since all such conflicts must be resolved, it is advantageous to choose the largest candidate from among the conflicts as the next C to test.

You are to convert each word to a number by processing each letter from left to right. Consider `a' to be 1, `b' to be 2,

, `z' to be 26. Use 5 bits for each letter (shift left by 5 or multiply by 32). Thus `a' = 1, `bz' =


时间: 2024-04-15 17:38:16

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