php include提示failed to open stream: Permission denied in错误

   出现failed to open stream: Permission denied in是apache运行用户没用权限去访问指定的文件了,所以导致目录文件打不开了。


  Warning: include (/global.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in index.php on line 21

  Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '/global.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:php5pear') in index.php on line 21

  Fatal error: Class 'fl_global' not found in index.php on line 22

  从这么多错误提示中我们可以看出一句failed to open stream: Permission denied in了,意思是说没有权限访问这个问题

  linux 解决办法


  chmod -R 777 ./dirname 赋予目录可写权限

  chmod 777 ./filename 赋予文件可写权限.

  windows 2003解决办法

  我是apache 用户所以只需要给apache用户权限就可以了(如果是iis用户还需要在iis中设置权限哦)


时间: 2024-10-03 17:02:35

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