physical CPU
Number Of Processors: 8
System Model: IBM,8202-E4C
Machine Serial Number: 06DBA5R
Processor Type: PowerPC_POWER7
Processor Implementation Mode: POWER 7
Processor Version: PV_7_Compat
Number Of Processors: 8
Processor Clock Speed: 3024 MHz
CPU Type: 64-bit
Kernel Type: 64-bit
LPAR Info: 1 06-DBA5R
Memory Size: 127488 MB
Good Memory Size: 127488 MB
Platform Firmware level: AL740_088
Firmware Version: IBM,AL740_088
Console Login: enable
Auto Restart: true
Full Core: false
logical CPU
32 core
[P720:/home/dsg]$bindprocessor -q
The available processors are: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
System configuration: lcpu=32 mem=127488MB
kthr memory page faults cpu
----- ----------- ------------------------ ------------ -----------
r b avm fre re pi po fr sr cy in sy cs us sy id wa
2 1 14585323 11622345 0 0 0 706 1094 0 664 15590 2508 11 1 87 1