android studio-gradle打包Android程序,如何打包时不包含依赖包


使用gradle打包Android程序,希望不包含依赖的lib中的jar包,就像在eclipse的build Path中勾掉依赖,同理下图的操作怎么在gradle的构建打包中实现




There probably is a cleaner and simpler solution but you could then specify a custom configuration:

configurations {
and then specify all dependencies:

dependencies {
compile fileTree(dir: 'dependencies/compile/archive' include: '*.jar' exclude: 'management.jar')
compileOnly files('dependencies/compile/archive/management.jar')
Finally add the compileOnly configuration to classpaths of all source sets

sourceSets.all {
compileClasspath += configurations.compileOnly
This way management.jar should be on the classpath for compilation but won't be packaged.

EDIT Only now I fully understand your problem. The following worked for me on a test project.

In core project gradle file:

repositories {
flatDir {
dirs 'dependencies/compile/archive'

dependencies {
compile fileTree(dir: 'dependencies/compile/archive' include: '*.jar' exclude: 'management.jar')
compile ':management:'
In project that depends on core:

repositories {
flatDir {
dirs new File(project(':core').projectDir 'dependencies/compile/archive')

dependencies {
compile(project(':core')) {
exclude module: 'management'
compileOnly ':management':

sourceSets.all {
compileClasspath += configurations.compileOnly

时间: 2024-05-08 08:42:27

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