UVa 565:Pizza Anyone?



类型: 暴力枚举,搜索


You are responsible for ordering a large pizza for you and your friends. Each of them has told you what he wants on a pizza and what he does not; of course they all understand that since there is only going to be one pizza, no one is likely to have all their requirements satisfied. Can you order a pizza that will satisfy at least one request from all your friends?

The pizza parlor you are calling offers the following pizza toppings; you can include or omit any of them in a pizza:

Your friends provide you with a line of text that describes their pizza preferences. For example, the line


reveals that someone will accept a pizza with onion, or without ham, or with pepperoni, and the line


indicates that someone else will accept a pizza that omits extra cheese, or Italian sausage, or diced garlic, or that includes anchovies or jalapenos.


你负责去订购一个大比萨, 但是你的朋友们对于要添加什么或者不添加什么都有不同的要求。 但是你的朋友们也知道不可能满足全部的要求。所以你要选择一个订购方案,让所有人至少满足其中一个要求。 注意,如果某人不想要哪个,那么不添加那个也算是满足了他的一个要求。


题目只有16种东西选择, 对于每种东西之是选择或者不选泽两种状态。那么用暴力枚举法完全可以做出。

用一个数字,它的各个二进制位表示定或者不定。枚举0 ~ (1<<16)-1即可。


using namespace std;
char str[100][100];
int nIndex;  

int main(){
#ifdef LOCAL
    freopen("input.txt", "r", stdin);
        nIndex = 1;
        while(gets(str[nIndex]), str[nIndex++][0]!='.') ;;  

        int status=0;
        bool flag=true;
        int maxNum = (1<<16)-1;
        while(status <= maxNum){  

            flag = true;
            for(int i=0; i<nIndex-1; ++i){
                bool ok = false;
                int pos=0;
                while(pos < strlen(str[i])){
                        if((status >> (str[i][pos+1]-'A')) & 1 ){
                            ok = true; break;
                    else if(str[i][pos]=='-'){
                        if( !((status >> (str[i][pos+1]-'A')) & 1)){
                            ok = true;
                    pos += 2;
                if(!ok){flag=false ; break; }
            if(flag) break;
        if(!flag) printf("No pizza can satisfy these requests.\n") ;
            int pos=0;
            printf("Toppings: ");
            while(pos <16){
                if(status & 1) printf("%c", pos+'A');
                ++pos; status >>= 1;
    return 0;

, 选择
, 一个
, You
, 或者
anyone of us、anyone、we don t talk anyone、anyone of us 下载、anyone else,以便于您获取更多的相关知识。

时间: 2025-01-01 15:56:29

UVa 565:Pizza Anyone?的相关文章

uva 565 - Pizza Anyone?

点击打开链接 题目意思:   有16种甜品,现在要做一个批萨,有很多人,每个人喜欢的甜品各不相同,要求我们找到一个方案使得至少让每个人都能够满足一个要求,最后输出这个方案. 解题思路:   我么知道对于每一个toppings只有两种情况取和不取,那么最多有16种,2^16是很小的,那么我们便可以枚举每一个情况,然后去判断是否每个人都能够满足,加入能够满足直接输出即可.注意这一题的输出是多种情况,不一定和样列相同.时间可能会很慢,还有注意数组的大小 代码:   #include <algorith

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