算法题:UVA 620 Cellular Structure (dp)

Cellular Structure

A chain of connected cells of two types A and B composes a cellular structure of some microorganisms of species APUDOTDLS.

If no mutation had happened during growth of an organism, its cellular chain would take one of the following forms:

Sample notation O = OA means that if we added to chain of a healthy organism a cell A from the right hand side, we would end up also with a chain of a healthy organism. It would grow by one cell A.

A laboratory researches a cluster of these organisms. Your task is to write a program which could find out a current stage of growth and health of an organism, given its cellular chain sequence.


A integer n being a number of cellular chains to test, and then n consecutive lines containing chains of tested organisms.


For each tested chain give (in separate lines) proper answers:

If an organism were in two stages of growth at the same time the first option from the list above should be given as an answer.

Sample Input


Sample Output


, organizer
, structure
, sample
, of
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时间: 2025-01-12 05:15:23

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