NVIDIA Jetson TK1学习与开发(四):一些细节问题

本文把自己在学习或开发Jetson TK1过程中遇到的一些细节性的问题罗列出来,并提供解决方案。


1、An important step before connecting the Jetson to Internet

It is really important to tell "apt" not to overwrite the file "libglx.so" if you upgrade the system. "libglx.so" is a specific file in NVIDIA's graphics driver that might get replaced by an incorrect version from Ubuntu that stops you from being able to
boot into the graphical environment! So please execute this command on your Jetson before you connect it to Internet or perform an update:

sudo apt-mark hold xserver-xorg-core

Now you can allow Ubuntu to update itself automatically or you can run "sudo apt-get upgrade" without problems.

2、Add the Universe package repositories, since you will often need packages from Universe for code development

sudo apt-add-repository universe
sudo apt-get update

3、If you will use the shell command-line a lot

Install "bash-completion" (it allows you to hit the "Tab" key to auto-complete your shell commands) and "command-not-found" (it shows which package you probably need to install if you run an unavailable command). These 2 tools are extremely useful when using
the commandline, but were not installed by default in Ubuntu 14.04. Simply run this:

sudo apt-get install bash-completion command-not-found

4、change the shell prompt

You probably should also change the shell prompt (by adjusting "PS1" in the ".bashrc" file in your home directory) to be more useful, such as getting the shell prompt to have a different color than regular commands, and make it obvious if a command returned
with an error. There are thousands of custom .bashrc configurations on the web, including Shervin's that provides a different colored shell prompt depending on whether a command was succesful or returned an error.

5、If you will use the graphical environment (Unity) a lot

turn off the desktop shopping suggestions that are enabled by default in Ubuntu 14.04 (despite the spyware concerns discussed by huge numbers of people) by running this:

gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Lenses disabled-scopes "['more_suggestions-amazon.scope', \
    'more_suggestions-u1ms.scope', 'more_suggestions-populartracks.scope', 'music-musicstore.scope', \
    'more_suggestions-ebay.scope', 'more_suggestions-ubuntushop.scope', 'more_suggestions-skimlinks.scope']"

6、If you need more disk space on the eMMC

The eMMC on the Jetson has a capacity of 16GB, however some instructions or boards default to only using 8GB of the drive (or 12GB, see discussion). If you require more disk space in your rootfs such as for installing toolkits or compiling large projects,
you can flash the Jetson (from a Linux desktop) to have a larger filesystem (note that this will erase all data on the Jetson TK1, and it takes roughly 1 hour to flash the whole eMMC!):

sudo ./flash.sh -S 14580MiB jetson-tk1 mmcblk0p1


The maximum value of the flash.sh -S flag that works successfully is 14580MiB. Greater values (like 16GiB) are beyond the capacity of the eMMC when the other system-required partitions are included.

7、Shutting down Jetson TK1 safely

Just like any Linux computer, the recommended way to shut-down or turn off Jetson TK1 is to click Shutdown in the GUI or run this in a terminal, to ensure the filesystem will not be corrupt:

sudo shutdown -h now


时间: 2024-04-26 06:02:25

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